These beautiful embossed patterns are created by thermo-transfer technology that burns out and merges the colour paint with the tile's surface. Every colour reacts to this process in a different way and creates a unique shade for every background. Some of the resulting designs reach high contrast levels (e.g. 2302 - Antique white), others are barely visible (especially on the translucent colours).

Embossed designs - on the translucent background colours

Embossed designs - on the opaque colours

Embossed designs are available in the following six sections and as mosaic tiles, all displayed in opaque Antique white (2302). Each design is also shown as a pattern of several pieces. Decorated tiles may have Glamour Vintage or Ruler smoothed texture.

Available sizes: 5x5 / 7,5x7,5 / 10x10 / 15x15 / 20x20 / 30x30 cm
Mosaics: 5x5 cm (36 pc. pre-installed on a mesh 32x32 cm).


Glamour is a collection of six designs in light and subtle or heavy and high in contrast execution, inspired by Art-Deco and Art-Nouveau (beginning of the 20th century).


Collection inspired by the 60s major movements, overall offering 12 designs, including two designs in light and heavy execution.


Decorative terracotta tiles, inspired by the modernistic style of Catalonia from the end of 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Collection offers seven designs - exact replicas of "Mosaic Hydraulic" - cement-based tiles, quite popular in Barcelona at that time.


Collection inspired by Moorish-Hispanic patterns of Andalusia (south region of Spain), offering 10 designs, including border and corner pieces.


This collection draws its inspiration from the Tajik region in south-west Asia. Throughout centuries this particular style influenced several regions of Eastern Europe and Russia. Collection includes six very intricate designs.


Contemporary and minimalistic collection of different lines in 8 designs, offering numerous possible patterns and combinations.

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