Pitoreska has originated from the admiration, enthusiasm and desire to bring you the most beautiful and exceptional of what is being produced in the field of tiles in different parts of the world.

Our effort is focused on research, import and sale of tiles, which can be described by a high quality and unmistakable beauty. They are manufactured in accordance with local or national tradition and designer's originality, or they are so innovative and unique that it's worth to work with them.

By products that we bring, and the work that we do, we want to capture and convey:

  • The value and beauty of ceramics and its design, which often has been developed for several generations in family workshops.
  • The value of cultural inspirations, where Western elegance meets Eastern mystery, and Nordic precision complements Southern temperament.
  • The value of stylish architecture where ancient and modern beauty unite.
  • The value of golden hands of artisans from around the world, who create remarkable, in many cases handmade masterpieces.
  • The value of know-how and enthusiasm of companies that have devoted their hearts to this industry.

All these values we want to capture and offer to our customers, professionals and enthusiasts. If you are also one of them, we will be pleased if you contact us or visit us in our shop in Bratislava.

We look forward to our cooperation!


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