Characterized by using the Hispano-Arabic techniques, thus allowing re-using the transparent glazes in polychrome.

The semi-artisan manufacturing by extrusion allows the production of not plain pieces, exploiting certain effects, which are not possible in plain tiles.

The serie of Hispano-Arabic patterns is ispired by an aesthetic movement from the end of the 16th century. It features patterned tiles with motifs that recur and intertwine in geometric radial schemes, already applied with an architectural sense. Technically, these are tiles in biscuit, with reliefs that delimit the drawings, and then its interior is filled with enamels, colouring it.

Raw materials, manufacturing process and the glaze on these ballast tiles gives an idea of depth, makes each tile unique, beautiful and versatile. There are no two equal pieces. Additional one-color plain tiles are available in a remarkable wide range of colors.

Dimensions: Tiles 14 x 14 cm, 13,5 x 13,5 cm, 11 x 14 cm, listels 7 x 14 cm

These tiles are made to order.

They find a great use as a facing for kitchen backsplash, fireplace, bathroom as well as a mirror frame. They provide a truly luxurious look to these spaces! Here are some compositions for a better idea..

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