A beautiful collection of handmade tiles that can be used in both traditional and modern interiors. The tiles have a natural subtle color variation, typical of hand-made production.



Classic finish

Tiles with a smooth surface and straight edges. There are also available plinth pieces with a rounded glazed top edge in 6.5x20 cm and 10x20 cm size.

Available in glazed finish in all colors. Unglazed tiles in red and beige terracotta can be found here.

seria F formaty

Rustic finish

Tiles with a smooth surface and rounded edges. Available only glazed in all colors.

seria F formaty

2-colour combinations

Tiles with a smooth surface and straight edges, in 15 duo-color combinations.

seria f formaty dvofarebne kombinacie

Relief design

Tiles with a shaped relief surface and straight edges. Available unglazed in red and beige terracotta, or glazed in all colors.

seria F formaty



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