A particular chapter and attention belongs to patchworks. Patchwork is a mixture of unselected cement tiles (random mix). It is not made "on demand" but rather from random patterns according to a certain key. A joy springing out of surprise and expectations of what will come by chance certainly make their contribution to its popularity. After installation your sight will be constantly attracted by something new, playful and interesting.

Patchwork can be assembled entirely at random...


dlažba Patchwork náhodný Patchwork terrazzo Patchwork náhodný šesťuholníky
Random patchwork Random patchwork terrazzo Random patchwork hexagons


...or from tiles with selected predominant colours or any other key factor.

Although they are mostly patterned tiles, also patchworks made up from plain tiles are very nice,  and similarly, either randomly or out of well-chosen color combinations...

Pictures do not necessarily represent delivered patchworks.

The collection includes more than 1200 different designs and each of them can be personalized by combining of any of the 72 perfectly designed and mixed colours...


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